

We say it every year and will most likely carry on saying it again and again, but wow, this year really flew by huh?! As I sit on my bed typing this away, I wonder to myself what do I really want to achieve this year? Today, I will be sharing with you some goals / resolutions for 2019....

Budget Better

I want to be able to build a healthy relationship with money this year, as I was working all summer last year I didn't save a single penny and then I received my first University loan which I splashed out on straightaway due to the whole excitement of it, I ended up going halfway in to my overdraft as well! This is why I am planning to budget better, starting from today and only buy thing's that I actually need, not just want....

Choose Healthier Alternatives

Speaking of healthy relationships, I want to start a healthy relationship with my body as well and the food I put inside it. When it comes to food I seem to have no control most days especially on down days where I will just treat myself to chocolate constantly, and then complain when I break out. So, I aim o choose healthier alternatives such as organic dark chocolate and more fruits and vegetables in my diet too!

Let My Skin Breathe

Makeup plays a huge factor in my life as it is an hobby and I like to practice it daily but, I have already started doing this goal last year as well and aim to carry on this year with it too. Just letting my skin be free most days and allowing my pores to breathe....

Attend Every University Lecture

Getting a degree and sitting through a lecture can be such a bore huh? But hey I signed up for this and it is something of interest to me so I should really stop leaving halfway when I do not understand what is going on or get bored or distracted easily....

Carry on going to the Gym

My relationship with the Gym has been slightly on and off but this year I want to keep it a constant battle, and carry on going every week at least five to six days and just get something done! Let that energy flow and relieve my stress and problems there, get more active and last of all maybe even shed a few pounds!

So there we have it, some goals / resolutions I would love to achieve this year! What are some of yours? Leave a lovely comment down below letting me know.

And remember, you don't have to have resolutions, you should stay true to you boo! This is just personally my resolutions and goals that I want to achieve this year but if you don't have any then that is also fine! 



  1. I definitely need to learn to let my skin breath more. Good luck for all your goals lovely!

    Lucy | www.lucy-cole.co.uk

    1. We all sure do, thank you, good luck to you and your new year too .

